Below is a list of services that we provide. If you need a service that you do not see listed here, you may contact us through our contact page to request more information.
- Teeth Cleaning
- Comprehensive Oral Exam
- Digital X-Rays
- Diagnostic Impressions
- Consultation and Treatment Planning
- Vitality Tests
- Cracked Tooth Test
- Gum Disease Diagnosis
- Fluoride Treatment
- Protective Sealants
- Prophylaxis
- Oral Hygiene Maintenance
- Teeth Whitening
- Porcelain Laminates
- Inlays and Onlays
- Full Porcelain Crowns
- Crown and Bridge Restoration
- Tooth Color Restoration
- Implant Restoration
- Root Canal Treatments
- Tooth Trauma Treatments
- Advanced Gum Treatment
- Deep Cleaning
- Nitrous Gas
- Tooth Extraction